Before we get started, we will have to know what we are going to build. Since we are super agile, we only need a basic outline (I used agile as an excuse not to write specs):
- Home page: First, of course, we will need a home page. The home page is very basic and shows us what other people have been buying. These are tiles that show an image, name, and price.
- Search page: When you search for a product, you get to the search page where you can filter by category and sort your results. The page will show us images, names, categories, prices, and a short description of all the products that match your criteria. From here, you can place any product in your cart if you are logged in. A user can search for products on any page.
- Product page: When you click on a product, either from the home page or the search page, you will be taken to the product page, which is also...