Iteration with the while loop
Let's assume that we want to write a small dice-guessing game. The user will need to enter a guess between 1 and 6. The computer will then roll a dice and let the user know whether their guess was correct or not. The program will then allow the user to guess again, and again, and again. However, if the user enters a value of 0 as their guess, we will let them exit the game.
We have no way of knowing how many times the user wants to play the game. They might give up after the first try or go on for hundreds of attempts (which is not that likely as this is a rather dull game, but you get the point).
A for
loop would not work that well for us here as we would need to say how many times the user would need to play before we let them out of the loop. Instead, another type of loop that is perfect for this scenario is the while
loop. This loop works on a condition instead of a count. If the condition is true, it will continue to loop.
The structure...