Chapter 1. Chef Infrastructure
"What made Manhattan Manhattan was the underground infrastructure, that engineering marvel."
Andrew Cuomo
A well-engineered infrastructure builds the basis for successful companies. In this chapter, we will see how to set up the infrastructure around Chef as the basis of your infrastructure as code. We'll cover the following recipes in this chapter:
- Using version control
- Installing the Chef development kit on your workstation
- Using the hosted Chef platform
- Managing virtual machines with Vagrant
- Creating and using cookbooks
- Inspecting files on your Chef server with knife
- Defining cookbook dependencies
- Managing cookbook dependencies with Berkshelf
- Downloading and integrating cookbooks as vendor branches into your Git repository
- Using custom knife plugins
- Deleting a node from the Chef server
- Developing recipes with local mode
- Using roles
- Using environments
- Freezing cookbooks
- Running Chef client as a daemon
- Using chef-shell