In this chapter, we learned how to write loglines, synopses, treatments, and outlines all inside Celtx—to give us a head start and ensure success in writing winning screenplays.
We typed FADE IN and started the first scene. Here we got to see and use the entertainment industry standard script elements and found it not all that complicated—there are only seven after all.
We used all the good stuff Celtx provides for setting up and using scenes, and saw how Celtx makes it easy to create, rearrange, and track scenes—all enhancing our creative writing.
We found out how to turn our plot into action and use the Character element along with introducing and bringing to life (characterization) the people in our script.
We examined parenthetical action.
What he said and she said is dialog and we looked at how to keep it interesting and properly formatted.
We also delved into how to specify shots (the way the camera is set up for the scene). Like transitions, we won't be specifying shots in the scripts...