Using linked lists to store data
In this recipe, we will see how we can use linked lists to store and organize data. The main advantage of a linked list in the games industry is that it is a dynamic data structure. However, it is bad for searching and inserting elements, as you need to find the information. The search is O(n). This means we can assign memory to this data structure at runtime. In games, most things are created, destroyed, and updated at runtime, so using a linked list is very suitable. Linked lists can also be used to create linear data structures such as stacks and queues, which are equally important in game programming.
Getting ready
You need to have a working copy of Visual Studio installed on your Windows machine.
How to do it…
In this recipe, we will see how easy it is to use linked lists. Linked lists are a great way to store data and are used as base mechanics for other data structures:
Open Visual Studio.
Create a new C++ project.
Select Win32 Console Application.
Add a source...