Creating a three-point light setup in Cycles using mesh emitters
For our first lighting setup we will look at one of the most important and common ways of lighting: the three-point light setup. As the name suggests, this consists of three lights—the key light, the rim light, and the fill light. With different positions, colors, and intensities we can create a huge variety of moods for our image and this is why every artist should know how to set up this kind of lighting. Let's get started!
Getting ready
From the smaller viewport header, select the Display mode and from the drop-down menu, click on the Rendered mode.
Here you have it! The awesome real-time viewport. Now the scene is quite empty, so it is not so heavy and Blender should still be quite responsive. Anyway, it is up to the artist to decide when to turn the real-time viewport off if it becomes too heavy.
When we activate the real-time viewport, in the upper part of it we can see some technical info. The last one on...