1. A convolutional neural network (CNN) can only process images. (Yes | No)
The answer is no. CNNs can process words, sounds, or video sequences, to classify and predict.
2. A kernel is a preset matrix used for convolutions. (Yes | No)
The answer is yes and no. There are many preset matrices used to process images such as the one used in edge_detection_Kernel.py in this chapter. However, in this chapter, kernels were created randomly and then the network trained their weights to fit the target images.
3. Does pooling have a pooling matrix or is it random?
A pooling matrix has a size that is an option when the pooling layer is added to the model, such as a 2x2 pooling window.
4. The dataset always has to be large. (Yes | No)
No. A dataset does not have a standard size. It depends on the training model. If the target images, for example...