III.6 Runtime View
This section focuses on the description of Runtime View.
6.1 Import File
One of the major use cases is Import File, which can be from both the mandator and partner. Such files always contain client-related data in configurable formats (CSV, fix-formats, or XML).
We will split the explanation of import file into two phases:
- Import a raw generic file (from an external source).
- Validate the imported data and update the internal client database.
6.1.1 Import Raw Generic File
First, we will explain the generic import, where no campaign-specific activities are executed. This concerns the configureReceiveChannel and instantiateFilterChain() activities:
Figure 3.21: Importing a raw file (first part)
The process of importing raw files can be described as follows:
- tryImport ProcessControl starts the import. The activity is a unique ID identifying the mandator, the campaign, and the activity.
- importConfiguration gets all the required configuration information...