- ABIs / Defining NDK application-wide settings
- accelerometer events
- handling / Time for action – handling accelerometer events, What just happened?
- activity events
- handling / Handling Activity events, Time for action – handling Activity events, What just happened?
- loop, stepping / Time for action – stepping the event loop, What just happened?
- lifecycle, URL / What just happened?
- Activity Manager (AM)
- about / Launching an application with ADB Shell
- about / More about ADB
- URL / More about ADB
- ADB Shell
- about / Launching an application with ADB Shell
- on OS, Eclipse installing with / Time for action – installing Eclipse with ADT on your OS, What just happened?
- AMotionEvent API / What just happened?
- AMotionEvent_getAction() function / What just happened?
- AMotionEvent_getX() function / What just happened?
- AMotionEvent_getY() function / What just happened?
- AKeyEvent_getDownTime(...