- Android Activity lifecycle
- about / The Android Activity lifecycle
- reference link / The Android Activity lifecycle
- Android device
- Tappy Defender, debugging on / Debugging on an Android device
- Android Studio
- installing / Installing Android Studio
- URL / Installing Android Studio
- Android Studio file structure
- about / The Android Studio file structure
- asteroid
- collision detection, precising with / Precise collision detection with an asteroid
- Asteroid class
- collision package, adding to / Adding a collision package to the Asteroid class
- asteroid collision detection
- about / Colliding with an asteroid
- crossing number / The crossing number
- phase / The first phase and overview of asteroid collision detection
- overview / The first phase and overview of asteroid collision detection
- asteroids
- drawing / Drawing and moving the asteroids
- moving / Drawing and moving the asteroids
- Asteroids' Simulator game
- checks, performing...