(For more resources on this subject, see here.)
The following screenshot shows the final result we will create through this article. So, let's get on with it:
Imagine now we have published our CSS3 memory matching game (Code Download-Ch:3) and players are trying their best to perform well in the game.
We want to show the players whether they played better or worse than the last time. We will save the latest score and inform players whether they are better or not this time by comparing the scores.
They may feel proud when performing better. This may make them addicted and they may keep trying to get higher scores.
Before actually saving anything in the local storage, we need a game over screen. Imagine now we are playing the CSS3 memory matching game that we built and we successfully match and remove all cards. Once we finish, a game over screen pops up and shows the time we utilized to complete the game.
<link href="http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Orbitron:400,
700" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" >
<div id="timer">
Elapsed time: <span id="elapsed-time">00:00</span>
<section id="game">
<div id="cards">
<div class="card">
<div class="face front"></div>
<div class="face back"></div>
</div> <!-- .card -->
</div> <!-- #cards -->
</section> <!-- #game -->
<section id="popup" class="hide">
<div id="popup-bg">
<div id="popup-box">
<div id="popup-box-content">
<h1>You Won!</h1>
<p>Your Score:</p>
<p><span class='score'>13</span></p>
// reset the elapsed time to 0.
matchingGame.elapsedTime = 0;
// start the timer
matchingGame.timer = setInterval(countTimer, 1000);
function countTimer()
// calculate the minutes and seconds from elapsed time
var minute = Math.floor(matchingGame.elapsedTime / 60);
var second = matchingGame.elapsedTime % 60;
// add padding 0 if minute and second is less then 10
if (minute < 10) minute = "0" + minute;
if (second < 10) second = "0" + second;
// display the elapsed time
function removeTookCards()
// check if all cards are removed and show game over
if ($(".card").length == 0)
function gameover()
// stop the timer
// set the score in the game over popup
// show the game over popup
We have used the CSS3 transition animation to show the game over pop up. We benchmark the score by using the time a player utilized to finish the game.
Imagine now we are going to display how well the player played the last time. The game over screen includes the elapsed time as the last score alongside the current game score. Players can then see how well they do this time compared to last time.
<small>Last Score: <span class='last-score'>20</span>
function gameover()
// stop the timer
// display the elapsed time in the game over popup
// load the saved last score from local storage
var lastElapsedTime = localStorage.getItem
// convert the elapsed seconds into minute:second format
// calculate the minutes and seconds from elapsed time
var minute = Math.floor(lastElapsedTime / 60);
var second = lastElapsedTime % 60;
// add padding 0 if minute and second is less then 10
if (minute < 10) minute = "0" + minute;
if (second < 10) second = "0" + second;
// display the last elapsed time in game over popup
// save the score into local storage
("last-elapsed-time", matchingGame.elapsedTime);
// show the game over popup
We just built a basic scoring system that compares a player's score with his/her last score.
We can store data by using the setItem function from the localStorage object. The following table shows the usage of the function:
localStorage.setItem(key, value);
In our example, we save the game elapsed time as the score with the following code by using the key last-elapsed-item:
localStorage.setItem("last-elapsed-time", matchingGame.
Complementary to setItem, we get the stored data by using the getItem function in the following way:
The function returns the stored value of the given key. It returns null when trying to get a non-existent key. This can be used to check whether we have stored any data for a specific key.
The local storage stores data in a key-value pair. The key and value are both strings. If we save numbers, Boolean, or any type other than string, then it will convert the value into a string while saving.
Usually, problems occur when we load a saved value from the local storage. The loaded value is a string regardless of the type we are saving. We need to explicitly parse the value into the correct type before using it.
For example, if we save a floating number into the local storage, we need to use the parseFloat function when loading it. The following code snippet shows how we can use parseFloat to retrieve a stored floating number:
var score = 13.234;
// result: stored "13.234".
var gameScore = localStorage.getItem("game-score");
// result: get "13.234" into gameScore;
gameScore = parseFloat(gameScore);
// result: 13.234 floating value
In the preceding code snippet, the manipulation may be incorrect if we forget to convert the gameScore from string to float. For instance, if we add the gameScore by 1 without the parseFloat function, the result will be 13.2341 instead of 14.234. So, be sure to convert the value from local storage to its correct type.
Size limitation of local storage
There is a size limitation on the data stored through localStorage for each domain. This size limitation may be slightly different in different browsers. Normally, the size limitation is 5 MB. If the limit is exceeded, then the browser throws a QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR exception when setting a key-value into localStorage.
Besides using the setItem and getItem functions, we can treat the localStorage object as an associated array and access the stored entries by using square brackets.
For instance, we can replace the following code with the latter version:
Using the setItem and getItem:
localStorage.setItem("last-elapsed-time", elapsedTime);
var lastElapsedTime = localStorage.getItem("last-elapsed-time");
Access localStorage as an array as follows:
localStorage["last-elapsed-time"] = elapsedTime;
var lastElapsedTime = localStorage["last-elapsed-time"];