By Robert Tsai (http://www.tsaiberspace.net/)
Why it's awesome: You can share your posts to a user's Facebook wall
Why it was picked: Ease of setup, integration level with Facebook

Manual Install URL: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wordbook/
Automatic Install search term: Wordbook
Geek level: Webmaster
Configuration location: Settings | Wordbook
Used in: Posts
Robert Tsai's Wordbook is an awesome way to get your blog posts listed on your Facebook profile or your Facebook pages. WordPress will post to Facebook a snippet of your post and a thumbnail of any images that might be in your post.
Once installed, you will see a red bar across your WordPress administrator section stating Wordbook needs to be setup—click the Wordbook link to start the configuration. In order to publish your posts to Facebook, you will need to connect your blog to Facebook—to start this process, click the blue Facebook button. Once you start the process, you will be redirected to Facebook to authorize...