WSL2 customization with oh-my-zsh
The same theming configuration that we did for PowerShell is also available for WSL2! The settings.json
changes will apply automatically; all we need to specify is our prompt. We have three options:
- oh-my-posh v3 – This is the same project we covered in the previous section. It's cross-platform!
- oh-my-zsh – This was the original oh-my project, originally released for the ZSH shell.
- oh-my-bash – The same as oh-my-zsh but for the Bash shell.
As we've already covered option 1 in the previous PowerShell section, we'll now cover option 2, oh-my-zsh. We won't be covering oh-my-bash, as it's very similar to the oh-my-zsh project.
The ZSH shell is a popular, alternative shell for Linux that replaces the default Bash shell. We'll cover it in depth and see the many productivity boosts available in Chapter 9, Tips for using Ubuntu like an Expert, but for now, we'll just cover the...