Appendix: Migrating from Vue 2
Migrating a Vue 2 application to Vue 3 is not as straightforward as just replacing the framework. While the Options API remains fully compatible and there should not be a need to migrate to the Composition API, there are other breaking changes that we should be aware of.
The changes between versions affect not only the core framework but also the ecosystem (new router, state management, etc.) and other dependencies. In Vue 3, there is also a new official bundler, Vite (which replaces WebPack), a new router and state management (Pinia, the replacement for Vuex), and other plugins as well. The list of changes included here is a quick reference to help you migrate your application but may not be exhaustive with all the nuances of specific needs for each particular project. Because of this, I will refer you to the official documentation for migration at
Here is a non-exclusive list of the major changes, other than the...