Upgrading VMFS-3 to VMFS-5
There are several enhancements added to VMFS Version 5. Knowing these enhancements will definitely motivate you to upgrade to this version. Nevertheless, the upgrade process is non-disruptive.
Although this is an in-place upgrade, you should take the following precautions before you do the upgrade:
Backup the virtual machines on the volume or migrate them off to a different datastore
Make sure that there are no ESX 3.x or ESX 4.x servers in the environment accessing the same datastore.
The VMware® vSphere® VMFS-5 Upgrade Considerations whitepaper explains more about VMFS-5 enhancement and the upgrade considerations, available at http://www.vmware.com/files/pdf/techpaper/VMFS-5_Upgrade_Considerations.pdf.
How to do it...
VMFS upgrade can be done in the following two ways:
By using the vSphere Web Client GUI
By using vmkfstools
Upgrading the VMFS using vSphere Web Client GUI
The following procedure will guide you through the steps required to upgrade a VMFS datastore:
Use the...