The game
From the editor, create a new default map by going to File | New level and replacing the player start with our ThirdPersonCharacter.
The game will be divided into small section, each one with one or more elements of what we have learnt in this chapter.
Don't fall
In the first section, we use the kill volume. Here, the player must jump to some static platform without falling. Duplicate the original platform, set it lower than the original floor, add some cylinder shapes as a path and add the kill volume we created earlier between the platforms and the floor to recreate something similar to this:
Use your imagination to make the path you prefer and test it to find the more balanced way to do it (remember that a very easy game makes a gamer bored soon, but a very difficult game can be frustrating for even the most hardcore gamers).
Rolling stones
As second section, we use the killing balls: a long stair with lots of those balls rolling around. Search the stair BSP and position it after the...