Enabling the remote control for game inspection
This is a method for turning on an extra feature of UDK called the Remote Control that can be used to manipulate render nodes, inspect Actors, and evaluate performance.
How to do it...
In Windows, go to the Start menu or your desktop and find the shortcut for the UDK Editor and right-click on it to expose its properties.
In the Target field edit it to read:
C:\UDK\~\Binaries\UDKLift.exe editor -wxwindows -remotecontrol -log
.The main point of this entry is so that we can launch a tool called RemoteControl. The usefulness of running the
window increases over time. It is used for tracking what is happening while you run the editor and PIE. When trouble shooting problems in Kismet or with missing assets for example, it is a good first port of call for seeing where and when errors occur.In the following screenshot, the log shows the creation of a Trigger Touch event in the main Kismet sequence based on the actor Trigger_0 in the scene: