Defining animations in your AnimTree
This recipe shows how to furnish the AnimTree we have been working on with actual animation controls and sequences. It extends the previous recipe, which set up the properties of the AnimTree to include our character assets. We won't be creating an entire animation tree, only the bare bones needed for walking around, including an Idle.
How to do it...
With your TestTree AnimTree asset open, right-click in the editor and choose New Animation Node | UDKAnimBlendByPhysics, shown next, which you can hook up to the Animation output of the AnimTree node. This node is usually the end node for all the animation to parse through. It covers situations such as walking, falling, and swimming. Additional inputs can be added by right-clicking and choosing Add Input.
From the PHYS_Walking output extend to a New Animation Node | BlendBy | UDKAnimBlendByIdle, shown in the next screenshot. This gives us a control to switch between Idle animations and Moving animations. There...