Calling up SkeletalMesh animation using Matinee
In Kismet, a Matinee action can be used to fire off events in a time-based manner, and an AnimNotify is an AnimTree node that lets us associate AnimTree content with Matinee tracks. For example, you could have a looping animation for a SkeletalMesh walking or idling, then use a Trigger in the scene to fire off a Matinee which swaps in a falling animation to replace the idle. A Matinee can also be used to control Morph target keys.
Getting ready
Load the map template Midday Lighting.
How to do it...
Right-click in the scene and add a Trigger actor on the ground. In its properties turn off the check box for Display | Hidden so it shows during gameplay.
In the Content Browser, locate and right-click on the AnimTree Packt_CharTreeSlotStart and choose Create a Copy and call the copy Yourname.Mesh.TestSlotTree.
Double-click the result, then right-click in the canvas and choose New Animation Node | AnimNodeSlot.
Place this in between the UDKAnimationBlendByPhysics...