Chapter 9. Game #3 – The Break-Up
We've been learning pieces of game development like Lego bricks. We've chugged along merrily on two tracks simultaneously: learning about what we need to build to have a complete game, and how we can use Unity to build those pieces.
The Break-Up will be a simple catch game. Catch is in a genre of what we now call mini-games—often, they are games within games. Catch, like keep-up, has a very simple mechanic. The player controls a thing, (like a paddle, a character, a bucket, or a trampoline), usually at the bottom of the screen, and other things fall or move towards the player-controlled thing from the top of the screen. In a catch game, the player has to connect his controllable thing with the falling things (people jumping out of buildings, cherries falling from a tree, and so on) to catch or collide with them. A common feature upgrade is to add bad things that the player must avoid.
That's how the unskinned mechanic works. Of course, you can skin it...