Converting a video to FLV upon import
One of the most popular formats for videos online is FLV. FLV stands for Flash Video, and integrates easily with the Adobe Flash Player and other SWF players, which has led to its success.
At this time, most video capture is done using other formats—predominantly AVI, but also MPG and MOV. In this tutorial, we will create an extension that will convert uploaded videos into FLV format.
Getting ready
We assume that DAM is installed for this extension.
The first step in approaching this kind of problem is to find a suitable place to hook into. The best place for this task is in class.tx_dam_tce_extfilefunc.php:
foreach($TYPO3_CONF_VARS['EXTCONF']['dam']['fileTriggerClasses'] as $classKey => $classRef) { if (is_object($obj = &t3lib_div::getUserObj($classRef))) { if (method_exists($obj, 'filePostTrigger')) { $obj->filePostTrigger($action, $this->log['cmd'][$action][$id]); } } }
We will now create a class to utilize this hook.
How to do it...
1. Install...