Finding information about tests in Xcode
With Xcode 5 and the introduction of XCTest, unit testing became tightly integrated into Xcode. Apple added many UI elements to navigate to tests, run specific tests, and find information about failing tests. Over the years, they improved the integration further. One key element here is the test navigator.
Test navigator
To open the test navigator, click the diamond with the minus sign in the navigator panel or use the shortcut ⌘ 6:
Figure 3.1 – The test navigator in Xcode
The test navigator shows all tests in the open project or workspace. In the preceding screenshot, you can see the test navigator for our demo project. In the project, there are two test targets, one for the unit tests and one for the UI tests. For complex apps, it can be useful to have more than one unit tests target, but this is beyond the scope of this book. The number of tests is shown right behind the name of the test target...