Time for action – enabling HTTP server log emulation
By default, Squid will generate a native log, which contains more information than the logs generated with the HTTP log emulation on. We can use the following line in our configuration line:
access_log daemon:/opt/squid/var/logs/access.log common
This configuration will log messages in a web server-like format. Let's have a look at a few log messages in the HTTP server-like log format: - - [13/Sep/2010:17:38:57 +0530] "GET http://www.google.com/ HTTP/1.1" 200 6637 TCP_MISS:FIRSTUP_PARENT - - [13/Sep/2010:17:40:11 +0530] "GET http://example.com/ HTTP/1.1" 200 1147 TCP_HIT:HIER_NONE - - [13/Sep/2010:17:40:12 +0530] "GET http://example.com/favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 404 717 TCP_MISS:FIRSTUP_PARENT
These log messages are similar to log messages generated by the famous open source web server Apache and many others.
What just happened?
We learned to switch on the HTTP server-like log emulation of Squid access logs. Squid...