Using workflow to automate your work
A variety of business processes are included in your organization for day-to-day work. You can automate your organization's business process using Salesforce's workflows. You can use workflows to assign tasks, update fields, send an e-mail alert, and send an outbound message. A workflow is a powerful feature provided by Salesforce to automate your business process. Let's start with an example. Whenever a participant with an age of more than 18 years registers for an event, Appiuss would want the participant to perform certain actions. The actions are as follows:
Update the Twitter handle with Appiuss.
Assign a task to the user Sara Bareilles and set the due date 15 days after the record creation date.
Send an e-mail alert to VP marketing after two days of the record creation date.
There are two types of actions possible with workflow:
Immediate workflow action: This will fire as soon as the workflow meets the entry criteria
Time-dependent workflow action...