Making the work visible
Work could be defined as the effort the team or Agile Release Train (ART) (as a team of teams) may put forth to develop a product or solution. But not all that work may be focused on customer value.
The Phoenix Project: A Novel about IT, DevOps, and Helping your Business Win by Gene Kim, Kevin Behr, and George Spafford identifies four kinds of work. These are summarized as follows:
- Business projects: Requests for new features that will bring value to the customer
- Internal projects: Work that helps organizations continue to develop products efficiently
- Maintenance: Work needed to maintain existing products
- Unplanned work: Bugs, defects, and emergencies that occur from time to time
SAFe takes a few of these work categories and places them in enablers. The idea here is that enablers help create future business value. The four kinds of enablers defined by SAFe are listed here:
- Infrastructure: This enabler exists to enhance how...