In this chapter, we covered the basics of threading, futures, and async functions. As a result, we were able to look at a multi-server solution in the wild and understand confidently what was going on. With this, we built on the concepts we learned in the previous chapter to build modules that define views. In addition, we chained factories to enable our views to be constructed on the fly and added to the server. With this chained factory mechanism, we can slot entire view modules in and out of the configuration when the server is being built.
We also built a utility struct that defines a path, standardizing the definition of a URL for a set of views. In future chapters, we will use this approach to build authentication, JSON serialization, and frontend modules. With what we've covered, we'll be able to build views that extract and return data from the user in a range of different ways in the next chapter. With this modular understanding, we have a strong foundation...