As we mentioned previously, the key component we will use to send text messages is Twilio.
Follow these steps to sign up for Twilio:
- Sign up for a free account by going to Provide your details on the sign-up page and submit them.
- Once you've submitted your details, you'll need to verify your email address. You will also need to validate yourself via phone. A text message containing a verification code will be sent to your phone; simply use that to complete the verification phase.
- You can skip the next set of screens until you get to the Twilio console dashboard. Once there, get a trial number by clicking on the respective button.
- On the next screen, you will be asked to confirm the number Twilio has chosen for you.
- Once confirmed, your trial number will show up on the dashboard.
- On the dashboard, we need to take note of a few things we'll need for our automation – the trial number, the account SID (user ID), and the auth...