Chassis setup
The robot is going to have a differential steering mechanism. Thus, it is going to be steered by two motors. It is going to be supported by a third castor that acts as a support.
In a differential steering mechanism arrangement, the robot moves in the forward direction or backward direction when both the wheels of the robot are rotating in the same direction. The robot can turn left or right by rotating one wheel faster than the other wheel. For example, in order to rotate left, the right motor needs to rotate faster than the left and vice versa.
In order to reach a better understanding of the differential steering mechanism, we recommend building out the chassis and testing it with the Raspberry Pi Zero (We are going to test our chassis using a simple program in the later part of this chapter).
We have provided additional resources on differential steering at the end of this chapter.

Chassis prep for the robot
- The chassis comes with the required provisions along with the screws...