Chapter 7. Using Add-ons
Throughout this book, we aim to develop reusable components. Of course, it is not very likely that someone else would want to reuse the Optilux site theme or policy, but developing for reusability encourages good practice. Besides, the client could come back next year wanting another site with the same basic look-and-feel.
Plone developers have created add-ons that do everything from making small improvements to core content types, to providing new functionality like forums, blogs, and database integration tools. Sometimes, developers will factor components built for customers into a reusable base package and another with customer-specific integration code. In the spirit of the Plone community, the vast majority of these packages are made available free under open source licenses.
In this chapter, we will:
- Discuss how to find, evaluate, and test Plone add-ons
- Demonstrate how to include PloneFormGen, a popular form building tool in the Optilux application
- Issue...