How to use the IBM Watson API
In the previous section, you learned how to call the API and handle the resulting values from the API.
In this section too, we will create a flow that actually calls the API from Node-RED, but we will learn how to call the Watson API provided by IBM. We will also create a flow that actually calls the API from Node-RED, but we will learn how to call the Watson API provided by IBM.
Why Watson? Watson is a brand of artificial intelligence services and APIs provided by IBM.
All Watson APIs can be used from IBM Cloud. So, by running Node-RED on IBM Cloud, you can effectively use Watson's services. This has advantages such as when calling the Watson API from Node-RED, implementation of authentication can be omitted.
Watson can be called from environments other than IBM Cloud, so it can be called directly from a Raspberry Pi or can be used from either cloud platforms such as AWS and Azure or on-premises environments. See the following figure...