Analysis of spur gears
The central objective of this section is to analyze the spur gears assembly. We will focus narrowly on the qualitative assessment of the stress arising from the interaction of the gears' teeth. Among other things, this case study will enable us to see the application of a local interaction contact and the use of mesh control.
Problem statement – case study 2
Figure 6.32a shows the assembly of a gear-shaft system for a power transmission train. The gears are made of plain carbon steel. The purpose of this case study is to examine the stress that develops due to the contact between the teeth of the gears when gear A rotates by 1.15 degrees, while gear B is retrained.
Figure 6.32 – A gear-shaft assembly
To address the simulation task concisely, two models of the assembly are provided for this problem. Download the Chapter 6 folder from the book's GitHub repository. Inside the folder, you will see the first assembly...