Displaying a table in Ajax
In this task, we will display data in a tabular format using Ajax. As a data source, we will use a predefined JSON object.
Getting ready
First of all, we will need to prepare a dummy JSON data source with all the items that will be displayed in our table:
json/requests.json: [{ "id": "1", "name": "Milan Sedliak Group", "workflow": "Front End Q Evaluation", "user": "Milan Sedliak", "requestor": "Milan Sedliak", "status": "submitted", "email": "milan@milansedliak.com", "date": "Today 15:30" }, {...}]
How to do it...
As base HTML, we can use this source with a container for the table and toolbar. This toolbar will include selecting functionality for our items.
<div class="tableContainer"> <div class="tableToolbar"> Select <a href="#" class="selectAll">All</a>, <a href="#" class="selectNone">None</a>, <a href="#" class="selectInverse">Inverse</a> </div> ...