Getting information about transformations and jobs (file-based)
The transformations and jobs are files with .ktr
and .kjb
extensions, but are, in fact, well-formed XML documents. You can open these files with a text editor to see their structures. You could take advantage of this feature to process some information within these files. Let's look at an example: assume that you want to lookup the Modified Java Script Value steps. You want to know where and how many of these steps are there because you want to replace them with a User defined Java Class step, which provides better performance.
Getting ready
In order to use this recipe, you need a directory with a set of transformations, some of them including the Modified Java Script Value steps. The example points to the Kettle sample transformation directory.
How to do it...
Carry out the following steps:
Create a new transformation.
Drop a Get data from XML step from the Input category into the canvas.
Type or browse for the source transformations...