Time for Action – using the image layer
Let's use the image layer to create a sort of image viewer.
First we'll need to add an image layer. The image layer expects the
as the first parameter (like other layers), the URL of the image next, then an{OpenLayers.Bounds}
object specifying bounds of the image, then an{OpenLayers.Size}
object which contains Width, Height pixel dimensions, and finally an optional options object.var image_layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Image( 'Wallpaper', 'http://us.starcraft2.com/images/wallpapers/wall3/wall3-1920x1200.jpg', new OpenLayers.Bounds(-180,-112.5,180,112.5), new OpenLayers.Size(1920,1200), {numZoomLevels:7, maxResolution:.625} );
Let's create another image layer now. We'll set the opacity to 20 percent and make sure it's not a base layer by setting
isBaseLayer: false
in the options object. We'll also be using a different URL:var image_layer_2 = new OpenLayers.Layer.Image( 'Wallpaper 2', 'http://us.starcraft2.com/images/wallpapers/wall6...