Displaying the linked users on the Profile page
Again, we'll start by updating our templates. In the previous chapter, we created frontend/tpl/profile.html
. It contains a form that we use for profile updates. Let's add the following code after it:
{{#if friends.length > 0}} <div class="hero"> <h1>Friends</h1> </div> <div class="friends-list"> {{#each friends:index}} <div class="friend-list-item"> <h2>{{friends[index].firstName}} {{friends[index].lastName}}</h2> </div> {{/each}} </div> {{/if}}
If the Ractive component has a friends
property, then we will render a list of users. The page will display the name of the users and it will look like the next screenshot:

The controller that renders the page should also be updated. We should use the same models/Friends
model that was developed in the previous sections. This is why we need to add var Friends = require('../models/Friends');
at the top...