- access control
- for containers, managing / Managing access control for containers and blobs, How it works...
- for blobs, managing / Managing access control for containers and blobs, How it works...
- Acquire action / Leasing a blob using the Protocol classes in the Windows Azure Storage Client Library
- ActivationToken / Using Windows Azure Connect
- Add() method / How it works...
- AddBook() method / How it works...
- AddLargeMessage() method / How it works...
- AddMessage() method / How to do it..., How it works...
- SQL Azure, connecting to / Connecting to SQL Azure with ADO.NET, How to do it..., How it works...
- AffinityGroup element / How it works...
- ALTER DATABASE command / Increasing the size of a database
- ALTER FEDERATION statement / There's more...
- Amazon Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2)
- about / Choosing the service model for a hosted service
- app.config configuration file / How it works..., How it works...
- AppendWithPartitionKey() method / How it works...
- application
- deploying, to hosted service / Deploying an application into a hosted service, How to do it...
- Application_End() method / Handling changes to the configuration and topology of a hosted service
- AsTableServiceQuery<T>() method / How it works...
- Asynchronous Programming Model (APM) / Introduction, Downloading a blob asynchronously
- asynchronous queries
- performing / Performing asynchronous queries, How to do it..., How it works...
- AttachTo() / How it works...
- Author property / How it works...
- Azure Drive
- using, in hosted service / Using an Azure Drive in a hosted service, How to do it..., How it works..., See also
- Azure Drive simulation
- using, in development environment / Using the Azure Drive simulation in thedevelopment environment, How to do it..., How it works...
- Azure management cmdlets
- about / Azure Management cmdlets
- Azure Management Cmdlets
- about / Azure Management cmdlets
- backoff
- implementing, when polling queue / Implementing a backoff when polling a queue, How to do it..., How it works...
- Backoff property / How it works...
- BasicLogsBufferConfiguration class / How it works...
- BatchInsert() method / How it works...
- batch operations / Using entity group transactions
- BeginDownloadToStream() method / How it works...
- BeginExecuteSegmented() parameter / Performing asynchronous queries
- BeginListBlobsSegmented() method / Using blob directories
- Bindings child element / Hosting multiple websites in a web role
- blob
- access control, managing / Managing access control for containers and blobs, How it works...
- Shared Access Signature, creating / Creating a Shared Access Signature for a container or blob, How to do it..., How it works...
- properties, setting / Setting properties and metadata for a blob, How to do it..., How it works...
- metadata, setting / Setting properties and metadata for a blob, How to do it..., How it works...
- creating / How to do it...
- root container, using / Creating and using the root container for blobs, How to do it..., How it works...
- root container, creating / Creating and using the root container for blobs, How to do it..., How it works...
- downloading, asynchronously / Downloading a blob asynchronously, How to do it..., How it works...
- downloads, optimizing / Optimizing blob uploads and downloads, How to do it..., How it works..., See also
- uploads, optimizing / Optimizing blob uploads and downloads, How to do it..., How it works..., See also
- copying, with Windows Azure Storage Service REST API / Copying a blob with the Windows Azure Storage Service REST API, How to do it..., How it works..., See also
- leasing, protocol classes used / Leasing a blob using the Protocol classes in the Windows Azure Storage Client Library, How to do it..., How it works..., There's more...
- lease, using as singleton ticket / Using a blob lease as a singleton ticket
- BlobContainerPermissions class / Managing access control for containers and blobs
- BlobContainerPermissions instance / How it works...
- BlobContainerPublicAccessExample / How to do it...
- blob directories
- using / Using blob directories
- CloudBlobDirectory class / Using blob directories
- CloudBlobDirectory object / Using blob directories, How it works...
- GetDirectoryReference() / Using blob directories
- CloudBlobContainer.GetDirectoryReference() / Using blob directories
- ListBlobs() method / Using blob directories
- BeginListBlobsSegmented() method / Using blob directories
- EndListBlobsSegmented() / Using blob directories
- ListBlobsSegmented() method / Using blob directories
- IListBlobItem interface / Using blob directories
- method, adding / How to do it...
- BlobDirectoryExample class / How it works...
- ListTopLevelItems() method / How it works...
- TraverseDirectoryTree() method / How it works...
- app.config configuration file / How it works...
- blob operations
- retry policies, using with / Using retry policies with blob operations, How to do it..., How it works...
- BlobRequest.Lease() method / Leasing a blob using the Protocol classes in the Windows Azure Storage Client Library, How it works...
- BlobRequest.SignRequest() / How it works...
- BlobRequest class / How it works...
- BlobRequestOptions parameter / Using retry policies with blob operations
- blob snapshot
- creating, CloudBlob.CreateSnapshot() method used / Creating and using a blob snapshot
- creating, steps / How to do it..., How it works...
- CloudDrive.Snapshot() / CloudDrive.Snapshot()
- block blob
- blocks, uploading to / Uploading blocks to a block blob, How to do it..., How it works...
- blocks
- uploading, to block blob / Uploading blocks to a block blob, How to do it..., How it works...
- Boolean / How it works...
- Byte array / How it works...
- CancelOnDemandTransfers() method / Performing an on-demand transfer
- Cancel property / Handling changes to the configuration and topology of a hosted service
- certificate signing request (CSR) / There's more...
- certification authority (CA) / There's more...
- ChangeConfiguration element / How it works...
- Changing event / Handling changes to the configuration and topology of a hosted service
- / Creating a Windows Azure hosted service
- domain / Introduction, Implementing HTTPS in a web role
- CloudBlob.UploadText() operation / How it works...
- CloudBlob class / Uploading blocks to a block blob, Uploading a VHD into a page blob
- CloudBlobClient class / Connecting to the Windows Azure Storage Service
- CloudBlobClient instance / Connecting to the Windows Azure Storage Service, How it works..., How it works..., How it works...
- CloudBlobClient object / How it works...
- CloudBlobClient property / Using retry policies with blob operations
- CloudBlobContainer.GetDirectoryReference() / Using blob directories
- CloudBlobContainer.GetSharedAccessSignature() method / How it works...
- CloudBlobContainer class / Managing access control for containers and blobs, How it works...
- CloudBlobContainer class set / Using a container-level access policy
- CloudBlobContainer instance / How it works...
- CloudBlobContainer object / How it works...
- CloudBlobDirectory.ListBlobs() / How it works...
- CloudBlobDirectory class / Using blob directories
- CloudBlobDirectory object / Using blob directories, How it works...
- CloudBlockBlob.DownloadBlockList() method / How it works...
- CloudBlockBlob.PutBlob() method / How it works...
- CloudBlockBlob instance / How it works...
- CloudBlockClient instance / How it works...
- CloudDrive.Create() method / Using an Azure Drive in a hosted service
- CloudDrive.Mount() / How it works...
- CloudDrive.Snapshot() / CloudDrive.Snapshot()
- CloudDrive.Snapshot() method / CloudDrive.Snapshot()
- CloudDrive instance / How it works...
- CloudDrive object / CloudDrive.Snapshot()
- CloudPageBlob class / Uploading a VHD into a page blob
- CloudQueue class / Managing Windows Azure queues, Adding messages to a queue, Retrieving messages from a queue
- CloudQueueClient class / Connecting to the Windows Azure Storage Service
- CloudQueueClient instance / Connecting to the Windows Azure Storage Service, How it works...
- CloudQueueClient object / How it works...
- CloudQueue instance / Connecting to the Windows Azure Storage Service
- CloudQueueMessage.DeleteMessage() method / Retrieving messages from a queue
- CloudQueueMessage object / How it works...
- CloudQueue object / How it works..., How it works..., How it works..., How it works...
- CloudStorageAccount / There's more...
- cloudStorageAccount.BlobEndpoint / How it works...
- CloudStorageAccount.DevelopmentStorageAccount property / How to do it...
- CloudStorageAccount.FromConnectionString() method / Connecting to the storage emulator
- CloudStorageAccount.Parse() method / How it works..., Connecting to the storage emulator
- CloudStorageAccount class / Connecting to the Windows Azure Storage Service, How it works..., Using SetConfigurationSettingPublisher()
- CloudStorageAccount instance / How it works..., Using SetConfigurationSettingPublisher(), How it works..., How it works..., How it works...
- CloudStorageAccount instance / How it works...
- CloudStorageAccount object / Connecting to the storage emulator, How it works...
- CloudStorageAccount property / How it works...
- CloudStorageClient object / How it works...
- CloudTableClient class / Connecting to the Windows Azure Storage Service, Creating a table, How it works...
- CloudTableClient instance / Connecting to the Windows Azure Storage Service, How it works..., How it works..., How it works..., How it works...
- CloudTableQuery object / How it works...
- CNAME records / There's more...
- commandLine attribute / Using startup tasks in a Windows Azure Role
- commandRetryPolicy member / How it works...
- common language runtime (CLR) / Downloading a blob asynchronously, Performing asynchronous queries
- compute emulator / Connecting to the storage emulator
- Configuration element / How it works...
- ConfigurationSettings section / Connecting to the Windows Azure Storage Service
- connections failure, SQL Azure
- handling / Handling connection failures to SQL Azure, How to do it..., How it works..., See also
- container
- access control, managing / Managing access control for containers and blobs, How it works...
- Shared Access Signature, creating / Creating a Shared Access Signature for a container or blob, How to do it..., How it works...
- container-level access policy
- using / Using a container-level access policy, How to do it..., How it works...
- Content-MD5 property / Setting properties and metadata for a blob
- context
- creating, for entity / Creating a data model and context for an entity, How to do it..., How it works...
- continuation tokens
- using / Using continuation tokens and server-side paging, How to do it..., How it works..., See also
- CopyBlobWithRest() method / How it works...
- CreateAuthorizationHeader() method / How it works...
- CreateContainerAndSetPermission() method / How it works...
- CREATE DATABASE Transact SQL statement / Creating a SQL Azure database
- create deployment operation / Deploying an application into a hosted service, How to do it...
- CREATE FEDERATION statement / There's more...
- create hosted service operation / Creating a Windows Azure hosted service
- CreateMessageBufferClient () method / How it works...
- Create Namespace button / There's more...
- CreateQuery<Country>() method / Creating a data model and context for an entity
- CreateSnapshot() method / How it works...
- CreateTable() / How it works...
- CreateTableIfNotExist() / How it works...
- CREATE TABLE operation / How it works...
- csrun command / Handling changes to the configuration and topology of a hosted service
- about / Introduction
- custom domain name
- providing, for hosted service / Providing a custom domain name for a hosted service, How to do it...
- custom logging
- implementing / Implementing custom logging
- implementing, steps / How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- data
- consuming, from Windows Azure MarketPlace DataMarket / Consuming data from the Windows Azure MarketPlace DataMarket, How to do it..., How it works...
- data-definition language (DDL) / How to do it...
- data-manipulation language (DML) / How to do it...
- DATABASE Transact SQL statement / Creating a SQL Azure database
- DataCacheFactoryConfiguration instance / Authenticating with the Windows Azure AppFabric Caching Service
- DataCacheFactory instance / How it works...
- DataCacheFactory object / How it works...
- DataCacheSecurity constructor / Authenticating with the Windows Azure AppFabric Caching Service
- DataCacheSecurity instance / Authenticating with the Windows Azure AppFabric Caching Service
- DataConnectionString setting / Connecting to the Windows Azure Storage Service, How it works...
- data model
- creating, for entity / Creating a data model and context for an entity, How to do it..., How it works...
- DataServiceContext.AddObject() / Creating a data model and context for an entity
- DataServiceContext.AttachTo() method / Creating a data model and context for an entity
- DataServiceKey attribute / How it works...
- DataServiceQuery<T> class / Using continuation tokens and server-side paging
- DataServiceQuery properties / Consuming data from the Windows Azure MarketPlace DataMarket
- Default Key button / How it works...
- DeleteObject() / How it works...
- DeleteTable() / How it works...
- DeserializeAuthor() handler / How it works...
- DeserializeAuthor() method / How it works...
- Desktop Configuration dialog / How it works...
- development environment
- Azure Drive simulation, using / Using the Azure Drive simulation in thedevelopment environment, How to do it..., How it works...
- DiagnosticMonitor.GetDefaultInitialConfiguration() / Initializing the configuration of Windows Azure Diagnostics
- DiagnosticMonitor.Start() / Initializing the configuration of Windows Azure Diagnostics
- DiagnosticMonitorConfiguration / There's more...
- DiagnosticMonitorTraceListener trace listener / Using the Windows Azure Diagnostics trace listener, There's more...
- DiagnosticsConnectionString / How it works...
- Directories data buffer / Accessing data persisted to Windows Azure Storage
- DirectoryConfiguration class / Implementing custom logging
- DirectoryConfiguration data source / How it works...
- DirectoryConfiguration elements / How it works...
- elevated startup tasks / Using startup tasks in a Windows Azure Role
- EncodeMessage property / Adding messages to a queue
- EndDownloadToStream() / How it works...
- EndExecuteSegmented() / Performing asynchronous queries
- EndExecuteSegmented() method / Performing asynchronous queries
- EndListBlobsSegmented() / Using blob directories
- entity
- data model, creating / Creating a data model and context for an entity, How to do it..., How it works...
- context, creating / Creating a data model and context for an entity, How to do it..., How it works...
- entity group transactions
- using / Using entity group transactions, How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- EntityGroupTransactionsExample class / How it works...
- entity tag (ETag) / Introduction
- ExecuteComman<IDataReader>() extension method / How it works...
- ExecuteNonQueryWithRetry() extension method / How it works...
- ExecuteNonQueryWithRetry() extension methods / How it works...
- ExecuteScalarWithRetry() extension method / How it works...
- federated tables / There's more...
- ForceUpdate() method / How it works...
- FromConfigurationSetting() factory method / Using SetConfigurationSettingPublisher()
- $getCertificate / How it works...
- GenericEntities property / Creating a data model and context for an entity
- GetBlockList() method / How it works...
- GetConfigurationBlob() / How it works...
- GetDirectoryReference() / Using blob directories
- get hosted service properties operation / Retrieving the properties of a hosted service
- GetMessage() method / Retrieving messages from a queue, How it works..., How it works...
- GetMessages() method / Retrieving messages from a queue
- GetNext() method / Performing asynchronous queries
- get operation status operation / Deploying an application into a hosted service
- GetPageRanges() method / Uploading a VHD into a page blob
- GetPermissions() method / Managing access control for containers and blobs
- GetServiceContext() factory method / How it works...
- GetSharedAccessSignature() method / How it works...
- GetWadConfigurationForInstance() method / How it works...
- GossipService class / How to do it..., How it works...
- Groups and Roles page / Using Windows Azure Connect
- Guest OS
- about / Introduction
- hash-based message authentication (HMAC)
- about / Introduction
- hash-based message authentication code (HMAC) / Managing Windows Azure Storage Service access keys
- hosted service
- about / Introduction
- service model, selecting / How to do it...
- Windows Azure storage type, selecting / How to do it...
- service model, configuring / Configuring the service model for a hosted service, There's more...
- custom domain name, providing / Providing a custom domain name for a hosted service, How to do it...
- upgrades, managing / Managing upgrades and changes to a hosted service, Getting ready, How it works...
- changes, managing / Managing upgrades and changes to a hosted service, Getting ready, How it works...
- upgrading, PowerShell cmdlets used / Using PowerShell cmdlets to upgrade a hosted service
- number of endpoints, changing / Changing the number of endpoints in a hosted service
- in-place upgrades, version issues / Version issue when performing in-place upgrades
- configuration changes, handling / Handling changes to the configuration and topology of a hosted service, How to do it..., How it works...
- topology changes, handling / Handling changes to the configuration and topology of a hosted service, How to do it..., How it works...
- Azure Drive, using / Using an Azure Drive in a hosted service, How to do it..., How it works...
- issues diagnosing, Intellitrace used / Using IntelliTrace to diagnose problems with a hosted service, Getting ready
- creating / Creating a Windows Azure hosted service, How it works...
- creating, steps / How to do it...
- affinity groups / Locations and affinity groups
- locations / Locations and affinity groups
- application, deploying into / Deploying an application into a hosted service, How to do it..., How it works...
- deployed application, upgrading / Upgrading an application deployed to a hosted service, How to do it..., How it works...
- properties, retrieving / Retrieving the properties of a hosted service, How to do it..., How it works...
- hostHeader attribute / How to do it...
- HttpWebRequest classes / Copying a blob with the Windows Azure Storage Service REST API
- HttpWebRequest instance / How it works...
- HttpWebRequest object / Introduction
- HttpWebResponse classes / Copying a blob with the Windows Azure Storage Service REST API
- HttpWebResponse object / How it works...
- IGossipContract interface / How it works...
- IListBlobItem interface / Using blob directories
- Image table / How to do it...
- infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS)
- about / Choosing the service model for a hosted service
- InitializeCache() / How it works...
- instance
- local storage, using / Using local storage in an instance, How to do it..., How it works...
- IntelliTrace
- using, to diagnose hosted service issues / Using IntelliTrace to diagnose problems with a hosted service, Getting ready, How it works...
- Invoke() method / How it works..., How it works..., How it works..., How it works..., How it works...
- InvokeAsynchronousQuery() method / How it works...
- ITemperatureContract interface / How it works...
- LINQ-REST / Consuming data from the Windows Azure MarketPlace DataMarket
- ListBlobs() method / Using blob directories
- ListBlobsSegmented() method / Using blob directories
- local storage
- using, in instance / Using local storage in an instance, How to do it..., How it works...
- LocalStorage element / Using local storage in an instance
- LocalStorageExample class / How it works...
- makecert command / There's more..., Using makecert to create a test certificate
- master database / How it works...
- MergeOption.NoTracking context / Handling concurrency with the Table service
- MergeOption.OverwriteChanges context / Handling concurrency with the Table service
- MergeOption.PreserveChanges context / Handling concurrency with the Table service
- MergeOption enumeration / How to do it...
- MergeOption property / How to do it..., How it works...
- MergeOption values / How to do it...
- message
- adding, to queue / Adding messages to a queue, How to do it...
- CloudQueue class / Adding messages to a queue, Retrieving messages from a queue
- EncodeMessage property / Adding messages to a queue
- queue, creating / How to do it...
- CloudQueue object / How it works...
- CloudQueueMessage object / How it works...
- GetMessage() method / Retrieving messages from a queue
- CloudQueueMessage.DeleteMessage() method / Retrieving messages from a queue
- PeekMessage() method / Retrieving messages from a queue
- PeekMessages() method / Retrieving messages from a queue
- GetMessages() method / Retrieving messages from a queue
- large amounts data, storing / Storing large amounts of data for a message, How to do it...
- Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Plugins.Diagnostics.ConnectionString / Connecting to the Windows Azure Storage Service
- Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StorageClient.Protocol namespace / Leasing a blob using the Protocol classes in the Windows Azure Storage Client Library
- Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StorageClient namespace / Leasing a blob using the Protocol classes in the Windows Azure Storage Client Library
- Microsoft.WindowsAzure namespace / Connecting to the Windows Azure Storage Service
- Microsoft Management Console (MMC) / There's more...
- Microsoft SQL Server database, migrating to SQL Azure
- about / Migrating a database to SQL Azure
- steps / How to do it..., How it works...
- MixedBatch() method / How it works...
- ModelContextExample class / How to do it..., How it works...
- ModifyEntity() method / How it works...
- multiple websites
- hosting, in web role / Hosting multiple websites in a web role, How it works...
- namespace
- creating, for Windows Azure AppFabric / Creating a namespace for the Windows Azure AppFabric, How it works...
- NetTcpRelayBinding instance / How it works...
- NoSQL systems
- about / Introduction
- on-demand transfer
- performing / Performing an on-demand transfer
- performing, steps / How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- OnDemandTransferOptions instance / Performing an on-demand transfer
- OnDemandTransferOptions object / How it works...
- OnStart() method / How it works..., How to do it..., Using a configuration file with Windows Azure Diagnostics, There's more..., How it works..., How it works...
- OnStop() method / Handling changes to the configuration and topology of a hosted service
- OptimisticConcurrencyExample class / How it works...
- % processor time / How it works...
- page blob
- VHD, uploading / Uploading a VHD into a page blob, How to do it..., There's more...
- Page_Load() / How to do it..., How to do it...
- Page_Load() event handler / How it works...
- Parallel.ForEach method / Optimizing blob uploads and downloads
- Parallel.For loop / How it works...
- Parallel.For method / Optimizing blob uploads and downloads
- ParallelizationExample class / How it works...
- PartitionKey / How it works...
- selecting, for table / Choosing a PartitionKey and RowKey for a table, How to do it..., How it works...
- patch Tuesday / Managing upgrades and changes to a hosted service
- PeekMessage() method / Retrieving messages from a queue, How it works...
- PeekMessages() method / Retrieving messages from a queue
- platform-as-a-service (PaaS)
- about / Choosing the service model for a hosted service
- Platform-as-a-Service model (PaaS)
- about / Introduction
- poison messages
- about / Introduction
- identifying / Identifying and handling poison messages, How it works...
- handling / Identifying and handling poison messages, How it works...
- identifying, steps / How to do it...
- PoisonMessagesExample class / How to do it...
- ProcessMessage() method / How it works..., How it works...
- Program class / How to do it..., How to do it...
- properties
- of hosted service, retrieving / Retrieving the properties of a hosted service, How to do it..., How it works...
- PublishGossip() method / How it works...
- PutBlockFromStream() method / How it works...
- PutBlockList() method / How it works...
- queries
- performing, in parallel / Performing queries in parallel, How to do it..., How it works..., See also
- performing, in panel / Performing queries in parallel, How it works...
- QueryBooks() method / How it works...
- queue
- about / Introduction
- managing / Managing Windows Azure queues
- creating / How to do it...
- messages, adding / Adding messages to a queue, How to do it..., How it works...
- messages, retrieving from / Retrieving messages from a queue, How to do it...
- CloudQueue object / How it works...
- GetMessage() method / How it works...
- PeekMessage() method / How it works...
- message, adding / How to do it...
- polling, backoff implemented / Implementing a backoff when polling a queue, How to do it..., How it works...
- queue service
- REST API, using with / Using the REST API with the Queue service and Table service
- about / Introduction
- ReadingEntity event / Handling the WritingEntity and ReadingEntity events, How to do it...
- ReadingEntity events
- handling / Handling the WritingEntity and ReadingEntity events, How to do it..., How it works...
- ReadingWritingEntityExample class / How to do it...
- reference tables / There's more...
- relay service
- Service Bus, using as / Using the Service Bus as a relay service, How to do it..., How it works...
- Remove() method / How it works...
- Renew action / Leasing a blob using the Protocol classes in the Windows Azure Storage Client Library
- using, with queue service / Using the REST API with the Queue service and Table service
- using, with table service / Using the REST API with the Queue service and Table service
- RetryOccurred callback method / How it works...
- RetryOccurred callback methods / How it works...
- retry policies
- using, with blob operations / Using retry policies with blob operations, How to do it..., How it works...
- RetryPolicies class / Using retry policies with blob operations
- RetryPolicy instances / How it works...
- RetryPolicy property / Using retry policies with blob operations
- RoleEntryPoint.OnStart() method / Initializing the configuration of Windows Azure Diagnostics
- RoleEntryPoint class / Using SetConfigurationSettingPublisher(), There's more...
- RoleEntryPoint method / Using a configuration file with Windows Azure Diagnostics
- RoleEnvironment.Changed event / How it works...
- RoleEnvironment.Changing event / How it works...
- RoleEnvironment.GetConfigurationSetting() method / Configuring the service model for a hosted service
- RoleEnvironment.GetLocalResource() / Using local storage in an instance
- RoleEnvironment.GetLocalResource() method / Using local storage in an instance
- RoleEnvironmentChangedEventArgs parameter / Handling changes to the configuration and topology of a hosted service
- RoleEnvironment class / Handling changes to the configuration and topology of a hosted service
- RoleInstanceDiagnosticeManager.BeginOnDemandTransfer() method / Performing an on-demand transfer
- RoleInstanceDiagnosticManager. EndOnDemandTransfer() method / Performing an on-demand transfer
- RoleInstanceDiagnosticManager class / Performing an on-demand transfer
- RoleInstanceDiagnosticManager instance / How it works...
- RoleInstanceStatusCheckEventArgs parameter / Handling changes to the configuration and topology of a hosted service
- root container, blob
- creating / Creating and using the root container for blobs, How to do it..., How it works...
- using / Creating and using the root container for blobs, How to do it..., How it works...
- root tables / There's more...
- RowKey
- selecting, for table / Choosing a PartitionKey and RowKey for a table, How to do it..., How it works...
- Run() class / How it works...
- Run() method / How it works..., How to do it..., There's more..., How to do it..., How to do it...
- RunClient() method / How it works...
- RunService() method / How it works...
- SaveChanges() method / Creating a data model and context for an entity, Using entity group transactions
- SaveChangesOptions.Batch parameter / Using entity group transactions
- SaveChangesWithRetries() / How it works...
- SaveChangesWithRetries() method / Creating a data model and context for an entity, Using entity group transactions
- server-side paging
- using / Using continuation tokens and server-side paging, How to do it..., How it works..., See also
- ServerManager class / There's more...
- Service Bus
- using, as relay service / Using the Service Bus as a relay service, How to do it..., How it works...
- Service Bus events
- using / Using Service Bus events
- using, steps / How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- Service Bus message buffer
- using / Using a Service Bus message buffer, Getting ready
- using, steps / How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- ServiceManagementOperation class / How to do it...
- ServiceManagementOperation utility class / Getting ready, How it works..., How it works..., How it works..., How it works...
- service model
- about / Introduction
- selecting, for hosted service / Choosing the service model for a hosted service, How to do it..., How it works...
- configuring, for hosted service / Configuring the service model for a hosted service, There's more...
- session state
- sharing, with Windows Azure AppFabric Caching Service / Sharing session state with the Windows Azure AppFabric Caching Service, How to do it..., How it works...
- SetBusy() call / How it works...
- SetBusy() method / Handling changes to the configuration and topology of a hosted service
- SetConfigurationSettingPublisher() method
- about / Introduction
- using / Using SetConfigurationSettingPublisher(), How to do it...
- SetCurrentConfiguration() / There's more...
- SetPermissions() method / Managing access control for containers and blobs, How it works..., How it works...
- SetupRecipe() / How it works...
- SharedAccessPolicy instance / How it works...
- SharedAccessPolicy object / Using a container-level access policy
- Shared Access Signature
- creating, for container / Creating a Shared Access Signature for a container or blob
- ShareGossip() operation / How it works...
- ShouldRetry() delegate / How it works...
- SignRequest() method / Leasing a blob using the Protocol classes in the Windows Azure Storage Client Library
- Snapshot() method / CloudDrive.Snapshot()
- snapshot query parameter / How it works...
- software-as-a service (SaaS)
- about / Choosing the service model for a hosted service
- SomeClass object / How it works...
- SPLIT keyword / There's more...
- SQL Azure
- about / Choosing which Windows Azure storage type to use, Introduction
- drawbacks / Introduction
- provisioning / Provisioning a SQL Azure Server
- creating, Windows Azure portal used / How to do it..., How it works...
- connecting, with ADO.NET / Connecting to SQL Azure with ADO.NET, How to do it..., How it works...
- connections failure, handling / Handling connection failures to SQL Azure, How to do it..., How it works..., See also
- connecting, ADO.NET used / How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- scaling, into Windows Azure Blob Service / Scaling out SQL Azure into the Windows Azure Blob Service, How to do it..., How it works..., There's more...
- SQL Azure database
- creating / Creating a SQL Azure database
- creating, steps / How to do it..., There's more...
- copying / Copying a database
- database size, copying / Increasing the size of a database
- SQL Azure Federations, tables
- federated tables / There's more...
- reference tables / There's more...
- root tables / There's more...
- SQL Azure usage
- measuring / Measuring SQL Azure usage, How to do it..., How it works...
- SqlConnectionStringBuilder instance / How it works..., How it works..., How it works...
- SqlServer endpoints / Using Windows Azure Connect
- Startup element / Using startup tasks in a Windows Azure Role
- startup tasks
- using, in Windows Azure role / Using startup tasks in a Windows Azure Role, How to do it...
- StatusCheck event / Handling changes to the configuration and topology of a hosted service
- Stopping event / Handling changes to the configuration and topology of a hosted service
- StorageCredential instance / Connecting to the Windows Azure Storage Service
- StorageCredentialsAccountAndKey class / Connecting to the Windows Azure Storage Service
- StorageCredentialsAccountAndKey instance / How it works..., How it works...
- StorageCredentialsSharedAccessSignature class / Connecting to the Windows Azure Storage Service
- StorageCredentialsSharedAccessSignature instance / How it works...
- storage emulator
- connecting to / Connecting to the storage emulator, How to do it..., How it works...
- String format / How it works...
- String formats / How it works...
- about / Introduction
- SubscribeToGossip() method / How it works...
- subst command / Using the Azure Drive simulation in thedevelopment environment
- sys.dm_database_copies system view / Copying a database
- sys.dm_db_partition_stats dynamic management / Measuring SQL Azure usage
- sys.dm_exec_query_stats dynamic management / Measuring SQL Azure usage
- sys.dm_exec_sessions dynamic management / Measuring SQL Azure usage
- sys.dm_exec_sql_text() / How it works...
- System.Diagnostics.Trace class / Using the Windows Azure Diagnostics trace listener
- table
- creating / Creating a table
- creating, steps / How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- table service
- REST API, using with / Using the REST API with the Queue service and Table service
- issues, diagnosing / Diagnosing problems when using the Table service
- concurrency, handling / Handling concurrency with the Table service, How to do it...
- TableServiceContext.MergeOption property / Handling concurrency with the Table service
- TableServiceContext.SaveChangesWithRetries() / Handling concurrency with the Table service
- TableServiceContext instance / Connecting to the Windows Azure Storage Service
- TableServiceEntity class / Creating a data model and context for an entity, How it works..., TableServiceEntity class
- Take() operator / How it works...
- Transient Fault Handling Framework
- URL, for downloading / Transient Fault Handling Framework
- TraverseDirectoryTree() method / How it works...
- typeperf command / Configuring the performance counter data buffer
- UnitedNationsValues property / How it works...
- upgrade deployment operation / How to do it...
- UploadBlockBlobsExample class / How it works...
- UploadBlocks() method / How it works...
- UploadCrossDomainPolicyFile() method / How it works...
- UploadFooter() / How it works...
- UploadFooter() method / How it works...
- UploadPages() method / How it works...
- UseCloudTableQuery() method / How it works...
- USE FEDERATION statement / There's more...
- UseOptimisticConcurrencyExample() method / How it works...
- UseParallelQueriesExample() method / How it works...
- UsePoisonMessagesExample() method / How it works...
- UseTicksForRowKey() method / How it works...
- using statement / How to do it..., How it works..., How to do it..., How to do it...
- using statement / How to do it...
- using statements / How to do it..., How to do it..., How to do it..., How to do it..., How to do it..., How to do it...
- Velocity / Sharing session state with the Windows Azure AppFabric Caching Service
- uploading, into page blob / Uploading a VHD into a page blob, How to do it..., There's more...
- VirtualDirectory elements / Hosting multiple websites in a web role
- virtual disks (VHD) / Uploading a VHD into a page blob
- virtual hard disk (VHD) / Introduction, Using an Azure Drive in a hosted service
- virtual hard disks (VHD) / Using local storage in an instance
- Virtual IP (VIP) / Introduction, Providing a custom domain name for a hosted service
- virtual machine (VM) / Choosing the service model for a hosted service, Using local storage in an instance
- about / Choosing the service model for a hosted service
- virtual machines (VM)
- about / Introduction
- VM Role
- using / Using a VM Role
- using, steps / How to do it..., VM Roleusing, stepsHow it works...
- wad-control-container, container / Introduction, Initializing the configuration of Windows Azure Diagnostics
- WadManagement class / How to do it..., There's more...
- WADPerformanceCountersTable table / How to do it...
- about / Introduction
- web.config file / Configuring the service model for a hosted service
- web deploy
- using, with Windows Azure / Using Web Deploy with Windows Azure, How to do it..., How it works...
- web role
- multiple websites, hosting / Hosting multiple websites in a web role, How it works...
- HTTPS, implementing / Implementing HTTPS in a web role, How to do it..., How it works..., There's more...
- WebRole class / How to do it...
- WebRole element / How it works...
- Window element / How to do it...
- Windows Azure
- web deploy, using / Using Web Deploy with Windows Azure, How to do it..., How it works...
- Windows Azure Access Control Service (ACS)
- about / Introduction
- Windows Azure AppFabric
- about / Introduction
- namespace, creating / Creating a namespace for the Windows Azure AppFabric, How it works...
- Windows Azure AppFabric Access Control Service (ACS) / Providing a custom domain name for a hosted service
- Windows Azure AppFabric Caching service
- using / Using the Windows Azure AppFabric Caching service
- using, steps / How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- configuration file, using / Using a configuration file to configure the Caching service
- session-state provider / Session-state provider and output-cache provider
- output-cache provider / Session-state provider and output-cache provider
- Windows Azure AppFabric Caching Service
- authenticating with / Authenticating with the Windows Azure AppFabric Caching Service, How to do it..., How it works...
- sharing, with session state / Sharing session state with the Windows Azure AppFabric Caching Service, How to do it..., How it works...
- Windows Azure AppFabric Customer Advisory Team / Handling connection failures to SQL Azure
- Windows Azure AppFabric Service Bus
- about / Windows Azure AppFabric Service Bus
- Windows Azure Blob Service
- SQL Azure, scaling / Scaling out SQL Azure into the Windows Azure Blob Service, How to do it..., How it works..., There's more...
- Windows Azure Connect
- using / Using Windows Azure Connect, How to do it..., How it works...
- Windows Azure Content-Delivery Network (CDN)
- using / Using the Windows Azure Content-Delivery Network (CDN), How it works...
- Windows Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN)
- about / Choosing which Windows Azure storage type to use
- Windows Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN) / Introduction
- Windows Azure Diagnostics
- about / Introduction
- record-based data buffers / Introduction
- file-based data sources / Introduction
- configuration, initializing / Initializing the configuration of Windows Azure Diagnostics, How to do it..., How it works...
- event log data buffer, configuring / Configuring the Event Log data buffer
- performance counter data buffer, configuring / Configuring the performance counter data buffer
- configuration file, using / Using a configuration file with Windows Azure Diagnostics, How to do it..., How it works...
- configuring, Windows Azure Platform PowerShell Cmdlets used / Using the Windows Azure Platform PowerShell cmdlets to configure Windows Azure Diagnostics, How to do it..., How it works...
- Windows Azure Diagnostics trace listener
- using / Using the Windows Azure Diagnostics trace listener, How it works..., See also
- Windows Azure MarketPlace DataMarket
- about / Introduction
- data, consuming from / Consuming data from the Windows Azure MarketPlace DataMarket, How to do it..., How it works...
- Windows Azure Platform
- about / Introduction
- types / Choosing which Windows Azure storage type to use
- Windows Azure Platform PowerShell Cmdlets
- using, to configure Windows Azure Diagnostics / Using the Windows Azure Platform PowerShell cmdlets to configure Windows Azure Diagnostics, How to do it..., How it works...
- about / Using the Windows Azure Platform PowerShell cmdlets
- using, steps / How to do it...
- working / How it works..., There's more...
- Windows Azure Portal
- about / Introduction
- Windows Azure Role
- startup tasks, using / Using startup tasks in a Windows Azure Role, How it works...
- startup tasks, developing / Developing startup tasks
- Windows Azure SDK
- about / Introduction
- Windows Azure Service Management REST API
- about / Introduction
- authenticating to / Authenticating against the Windows Azure Service Management REST API, How to do it..., How it works...
- autoscaling with / Autoscaling with the Windows Azure Service Management REST API, How to do it..., How it works...
- Windows Azure Storage
- data persisted, accessing / Accessing data persisted to Windows Azure Storage, How to do it..., How it works...
- Windows Azure Storage Service
- about / Introduction
- access keys, managing / Managing Windows Azure Storage Service access keys, How it works...
- connecting to / Connecting to the Windows Azure Storage Service
- Windows Azure subscription
- connection, moving to / Moving connection to another WindowsAzure subscription
- Windows Azure Table Service
- about / Introduction
- WorkerRole class / How to do it..., How to do it..., How to do it...
- WorkerRole element / Using startup tasks in a Windows Azure Role, There's more...
- WorldBankData property / How it works...
- WritePages() method / Uploading a VHD into a page blob
- WriteTextToBlob() method / How it works...
- WritingEntity event / How to do it...
- WritingEntity events
- handling / Handling the WritingEntity and ReadingEntity events, How to do it..., How it works...
- X.509 public key certificate
- about / Configuring the service model for a hosted service
- about / Choosing the service model for a hosted service
- XPath expression / How it works...