The Collision Analyzer
The only case where you might need to use this editor is when you have collision, overlapping or hitting events problems. As you can see from the tool name, it is all about and for physics collisions.
One of the most interesting things about this tool is it is very easy to use, and it is a tool that could be used at any time of the project development. Which means you can use it in the Edit mode while building your game, or while the game is running via the Play In Editor (PIE). Any time you hit the Record button, the tool will serve you directly:

Once you hit Record, and let's say it's at runtime, the tool will start recording all the collisions that happen in the game, regardless of how weak or powerful they are, and regardless of whether they are at the camera view or not. Any single collision taking place will be recorded. Once you feel you're done, you can just hit the Stop button.
The result you have is very important, as you can understand what...