Node and npm
Before we look at Gulp I want to look at Node and npm first. Like I said, a lot of the problems I've encountered have actually been more easily solved once I understood, after understanding what Gulp is built on. So that means understanding how Node and npm can be used to run and automate tasks.
Let's set up our project for Node using npm init
. From the root of our mastering-sass-swag
npm init
This will then ask you to fill in a series of fields which npm uses to generate the package.json file. Those fields and what you should type are as follows:
name: mastering-sass-swag version: 1.0.0 description: Front-end for Mastering Sass Swag entry point: index.js test command: git repository: author: Your Name license: ISC
When asked "Is this ok? (yes)", hit
to accept. If you made any mistakes, or you want to change something, you can always open up package.json
and make your modifications there. In fact, open up package.json...