The difference between Macro and Omni is subtle. Omni allows you to go to the exact location of a place, even a place of no particular significance (say, the third line of a documentation string) in any file. Macro, on the other hand, allows you to navigate anywhere of significance, such as a function definition, class declaration, or particular class method.
Go to definition or navigate to declaration
Go to definition is the old name for navigate to declaration in PyCharm. This action, like the one previously discussed, could lead you anywhere—a class inside your project or a third-party library function. What this action does is allow you to go to the source file declaration of a module, package, class, function, and so on. Keymap is once again useful in finding the shortcut for this particular action.

Using this action will move your cursor to the file where the class or function is declared, may it be in your project or elsewhere. Just place your cursor on the function or...