Chapter 6. Prezis for Online Delivery
When you first discovered Prezi, you probably spent a long time on the Explore page of looking at other people's designs. Most of the Prezis you'll come across on the explore page have been designed for delivery by a presenter so they sometimes don't make sense, or there just isn't enough text or video to understand the points trying to be made.
One of the amazing things about Prezi is that it's so easy to share your presentations with colleagues in your organization; and even with the rest of the world, if you chose too. But what's the point of doing this if your Prezi hasn't been designed with online viewing in mind? Will your colleagues be amazed by the spinning and zooming, but not realize what the message is that you're trying to get across?
There are a number of business reasons why designing a Prezi for people to explore online is more beneficial than delivering it face to face. This chapter sheds some light on how best to approach...