Attacking with SET
Let's cover some of the previously discussed attack techniques in the following scenarios.
Creating a Payload and Listener
The Creating a Payload and Listener vector is the most basic attack to advance with. In this attack vector, we will generate a malicious executable payload that, when made to run at the target system, will get the attacker complete access of the victim's system. So, let's proceed with the creation of a malicious payload:

From the main menu of SET, we will select the fourth option, Create a Payload and Listener. After this step, SET will list different payloads for the selection of the appropriate one to use, as shown in the following screenshot:

Selecting the second option will choose the payload type to be the meterpreter reverse TCP. However, we can choose any payload according to our requirement. This selected payload will spawn a shell at the target system and send back the access to the attacker. However, let's see the next option as follows:
