Clusterpedia is a CNCF sandbox project. Its central metaphor is Wikipedia for Kubernetes clusters. It has a lot of capabilities around multi-cluster search, filtering, field selection, and sorting. This is unusual because it is a read-only project. It doesn’t offer to help with managing the clusters or deploying workloads. It is focused on observing your clusters.
Clusterpedia architecture
The architecture is similar to other multi-cluster projects. There is a control plane element that runs the Clusterpedia API server and ClusterSynchro manager components. For each observed cluster, there is a dedicated component called cluster syncro that synchronizes the state of the clusters into the storage layer of Clusterpedia. One of the most interesting aspects of the architecture is the Clusterpedia aggregated API server, which makes all your clusters seem like a single huge logical cluster. Note that the Clusterpedia API server and the ClusterSynchro manager...