Using Aptana Studio 3
Aptana Studio 3 is a very powerful open source IDE. It is built from Eclipse and supports JavaScript, HTML, DOM, CSS, PHP, Ruby on Rails, and more. In addition to these supported languages and technologies, Aptana Studio also supports Git, deployment through FTP/SFTP/Engine Yard and other setups, a strong debugger with all the debugging goodness you'd expect, code assist, and finally a built-in terminal.
In Chapter 1, Getting Started, we installed it as a standalone program; however, if you are an avid Eclipse user, you can also install it as a plugin. Since we will be using this software for the remainder of the book, we should spend some time getting familiar with it.
The interface
We'll start by looking at the various aspects of the Aptana Studio interface. Due to scope constraints, we will only look at the pieces we will be using the most. For a more detailed look at Aptana Studio, check out Aptana Studio Beginner's Guide, Thomas Deuling, Packt Publishing...