If you have some experience in developing web applications, you will know that in order to generate a dynamic response as HTML to the end users, there's certain computational and I/O overhead involved. For instance, a blogging website's main page will contain the latest blog entries. To generate this main page, you need to do the following:
Fetch the blog entries from the database. This involves computational overhead because you will be filtering blog posts by user, and the database engine will also perform a sort by date. Once this is done, this involves I/O overhead as well because the collected records, after filtering and sorting, are to be returned over the socket connection, as almost all communication with all the major database engines happens over network sockets.
Once you have a list of blog posts, you have to generate an HTML page for which you can either use plain string concatenation, or rely on a templating engine, where the HTML page will have placeholders and some...