Chapter 6. CardView and Material Design
In the first part of this chapter, we will improve our app significantly from a UI perspective and make it look professional by starting with a new widget: CardView. We will learn how to use design time attributes, which will improve our designing and development speed, and we will use a third party library to include custom fonts in an easy way in our entire app.
The second part will be focused on the design support library, adding material design concepts to our app, improving the tabs, and adding a parallax effect to the job offer view. During this, we will clarify what a toolbar, action bar, and app bar is, and how to implement up navigation from the app bar.
- CardView and UI tips:
- CardView
- Design time layout attributes
- Custom fonts
- Design support library:
- TabLayout
- Toolbar, action bar, and app bar
- CoordinatorLayout
- Up navigation