This book is a definitive guide for people who are starting out with Flutter and want to learn about state management, and also those who have some sort of background in state management but they either use one solution for everything or get confused with what technique to use. The book will take a hands-on approach wherein we will first cover the basics related to state management in Flutter and quickly dive into building and manipulating a shopping cart app using all the popular approaches, such as BloC/Cubit, Provider, MobX, Riverpod, and so on, for managing state in Flutter. We will also learn how to adopt approaches from React, such as Redux and all its flavors.
Flutter is a cross-platform UI toolkit that enables developers to create beautiful native applications for mobile, desktop, and the web with a single code base. State management is one of the most crucial and complex topics within Flutter, having a decent learning curve that users have struggled with – mainly due to the wide array of approaches available.