Time for action — adding a tutor to your controlled group with course roles
Let's set up your very first tutor in your course, controlled group:
1. Log in to your Mahara as the same staff member seen in the previous Time for action — setting up a controlled membership group with course roles. The controlled group you created should still be there.
2. Search for a user in your site that you would like to make a tutor in your course group. Click on the user to access his/her profile.
3. Then, from the user's profile page, add that user to your group by selecting the appropriate course from the Add to drop-down box. Then click on Add:
4. Navigate to your controlled group by using either the Groups and then My groups menu options, or more quickly by clicking on the group in the groups list to the right of your dashboard screen.
5. Click on the Members tab of your group. In there you should see the user that you have added in step 3. Peter Tooley of Training for Work has identified Sally O'Leary...