Wi-Fi setup for the M5Stack Core controller
In this section, you will learn how to set up Wi-Fi for the M5Stack Core controller by adding the appropriate libraries to the Arduino IDE. The appropriate libraries are the M5Stack Core C++ files. These files will have the coding resources to allow your M5Stack Core controller to connect with a home Wi-Fi network. To obtain access to M5Stack Core libraries, read the installation instructions at the following website: https://docs.m5stack.com/en/quick_start/m5core/arduino. On this website, you will find instructions on installing the Arduino IDE with M5Stack Core libraries. Be sure to include the M5Stack Core 2 libraries during the selection and installation of the C++ files. With the installation complete, you will find a variety of coding projects and examples to explore within the Arduino IDE using the M5Stack Core. The projects and examples of interest will be the Wi-Fi projects. Figure 8.3 presents the M5Stack Core Wi-Fi coding projects...