Time for action – using the iOS simulator
The first steps are much like those for Android apps, but then it gets quicker. Remember, this only applies to Mac OS,and you can only do these things on Windows if you are using Mac OS in a virtual machine, and doing that is most likely not covered by the Mac OS user agreement! In other words, it's best to get a Mac if you intend to develop for iOS.
Open LiveCode, create a new Mainstack, and save the stack to your hard drive.
Select File | Standalone Application Settings….
Click on the iOS icon, and select the Build for iOS check box.
Close the settings dialog box, and take a look at the Development menu.
You will see a list of simulator options, for iPhone and iPad, and different versions of iOS.
What just happened?
That was it, all it takes to get going with testing using the iOS simulators! Testing on a physical iOS device requires that we create an application first, so let's do that.