Port forwarding using SSH
Port forwarding is a technique by which you can enable other computers to connect to a particular service on a remote server using your machine. To understand this with an example, let's say your machine is assigned the IP on a network and it has an Internet connection as well. Now, if you forward your machine's port 8000 to port 80 of www.kernel.org, it will be possible for some other computer to access the Linux Kernel website by going to
using a browser. Let's see how to do this.
How to do it...
You can either forward a port on your local machine to another machine and it's also possible to forward a port on a remote machine to another machine. In the following methods, you will eventually get a shell prompt once the forwarding is complete. Keep this shell open to use the port forward and exit it whenever you want to stop the port forward.
Use this command to forward a port 8000 on your local machine to port 80 of www.kernel.org...